The Month that was… June 2023

We’re in the thick of winter now and yet the roses are still blooming. How can that be?

Despite the cold there is still plenty to get excited about.

Two restaurant recommendations which I’ve loved are Yan in South Yarra, where the speciality is smoked food. Delicious. The second is Grazia in Glen Iris, an Italian restaurant. Try them out.

What I’ve been watching…

I headed off to the theatre this month to see Is God Is a play about twin sisters seeking justice for their long lost mother. It’s a quirky yet dark and disturbing story so much so that there was long list of trigger warnings before the start of the play. It was enthralling and gripping with sharp acting and well worth seeing.

If you live in Melbourne, try to see it before it ends July 15.

What I’ve been reading…

Another good month of reading… reviews to follow shortly.

It’s time to seek a warmer climate so we’re going to hit the road next month. Watch out for updates via Instagram posts.

Until next month…

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